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2019 Nutrition Challenge Updates!

Writer's picture: Dayne ToneyDayne Toney

Below is some more information about the 2019 Nutrition Challenge at Targhee Athletics. This year we are changing it up a little. Here is what has changed:

1) There is a cost to do the nutrition challenge.

It is $70 to participate through the gym. That is $7/week, $1/day for 10 weeks.

We want to offer the participants a better chance at success, this means weekly check ins with a coach that truly help hold you accountable, emails, and texts answered by someone who has first hand experience.

We want a lower attrition rate. Put some skin in the game. Invest in yourself. We are here to provide as much help and support along the way as possible.

Every year we have a ton of people fall off the path after a couple weeks, there are many reasons for this. One is that it is simply hard. We want to give as much support to those who truly want to make changes as possible. We are asking more from our coaches, we are asking more form ourselves with the hope that we can better help you and provide you the guidance you need throughout the 10 weeks.

2) You will have your own nutrition coach

This year instead of partners (accountabili-buddies) we are going to pair you with a coach. This is your accountabili-coach! Your coach is going to help you stay on track, help with questions/concerns, and be there for you every step of the way to help ensure your success and that you meet you goals.

3) You don't HAVE to do RP! You can choose WHATEVER you like!

We've all seen that the Renaissance Periodization Templates work if you follow them. We've also seen how the templates can be frustrating and complicated for some. Therefore we are offering up all sorts of options and the opportunity for you to individualize your nutrition challenge. Want to cut out sugar? Gluten? Alcohol? We are on board. If you are curious as what YOU should do, get in touch with Dayne or Josh to help find the best fit. Ps. yes you can use the same templates you have bought in the past so long as your weight hasn't drastically changed since then.

4) Access to a Targhee Athletics Nutrition Challenge private Facebook Group

We are going to start a private facebook group solely for Targhee Athletics nutrition challenge participants. This will allow people to share tips, recipes, meal prep ideas, ask questions, etc.

5) The prizes this year are OFF THE HOOK!!

We will announce the winners of the 2019 Nutrition Challenge during the Open Finale 19.5 March 22nd. This year we will have prizes from our awesome nutrition challenge partners including Forage, Rise, Yostmark, Ascent Protein, FitAid and Targhee Athletics! Over $500 value!!

This challenge is for you if you would like to make a change in your nutrition and health. Want to feel better? Loose weight? Perform better? Get leaner? Get swole? All of these things start with nutrition. Let us help you achieve your goals in 2019 and sign up for the 2019 Nutrition Challenge!!

What you need to do to participate:

  • Sign up online through Pike13

  • Fill out your registration form

  • Includes all your information, goals, before pictures etc. The more details you give the better!

  • Think about what your goals are and why you are doing the Nutrition Challenge. You're going to write them down in your registration form so really think about this!

  • Decide if you are going to use a toolkit to help you attain your goals. RP Templates, MacroStax, etc.

  • Note if you are going to do the RP tempaltes please purchase them through this link and be sure to use code 2019targhee20 for 20% off :-)

  • Get ready! We will have an in\formal Q&A Friday January 11th to answer all your questions!

  • Official start date is Monday January 14th!!

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