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Coaches Corner February 2018

Joshua Rempel

February is upon us, and so is the beginning of the 2018 CrossFit Open. Friday Night Lights will be beginning February 23rd. For all those that are making the decision to put yourselves out there, and participate in the five week competition, we applaud you. It is so awesome to be apart of a community of people who are willing to do new and challenging things. The journey and the struggle are the places where the most growth is achieved. If you are on the fence about signing up for the Open, like Nike has been saying for decades “just do it" and sign up today!

For the next four weeks we have a couple new movements that we are programming. The press plus Turkish bridge up, is a core and shoulder stability focused exercise with tremendous potential to increase core strength and functional range of motion when done correctly. The push up pyramid is a great way to introduce a plyometric exercise to the upper body while also requiring the accuracy of hand placement as you go up and over the stacked plates. Lastly, the dumbbell Z press. Just a great variation for building the upper body in the vertical plane. We are also continuing the push for total body strength with the front squat, sumo deadlifts and working in one day per week to practice an olympic lift with the squat clean. As for our conditioning pieces we will continue to mix up time domains, exercise selection, and put burpees and the Air Assault bike into as many sessions as possible without causing a full scale mutiny. The beatings will continue until morale improves.

A the end of class, we have this last bit called “PostWOD." Even though sometimes this last piece of training seems to get swept under the rug, it is a key piece in long term improvement. Take the time to accomplish this last task before you leave or write it down and do it at home, done with consistency, it will help improve your quality of life. Soon menial and burdensome life challenges will become routine, your anger will fade away, motivation will sky rocket, and your paychecks will start to increase….Okay so maybe not ALL of that is true, but that still does not mean you should not do the “postWOD.”


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