6-week pre-season dryland training program.
What is it? Winter is upon us and it is time to get in shape for the upcoming ski season! We have designed a progressive 6-week long 3 days/week strength and conditioning program specifically to get you ready for your winter skiing/snowboarding objectives. Go into the season with a solid foundation of strength and endurance to help you ski longer, stronger, and prevent injury. The stronger you are, the faster you are, the fitter you are, the better you're going to be at your sport, the less likely you are to get hurt, and the more fun you’re going to have!
Who is this for? Anyone who wants to get in shape for ski season! All ages and abilities are welcome. All workouts can be tailored and modified around any limitations and current injuries as needed.
When? October 9th - November 17th. Ski & Snowboard Fitness programming will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during the 6 weeks.
How much? $299
What do you get?
3 sport-specific training sessions per week for 6 weeks.
A large variety of available class times! You can catch the Ski Fit program during all classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Your own accountability coach! Once a week you will receive a check-in with your accountability coach. This is a great tool to use, as it can help you stay on track with the workouts and ask any questions you may have. Your coach will ensure you are getting the most out of your 6-week program.
What time are the classes? Targhee Athletics Ski Fit program will run Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Come to any of the classes that best fit your schedule on those days.
See the schedule below for class times:
What if I miss a day? You have 3 classes a week. If you can't make it one day you are more than welcome to come any day that week. The "Ski Fit" specifc programming is on Mondays, Wednesday, and Thursdays, but we also have amazing workouts that happen on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays that you can do if you can't make it on a Monday, Wednesday or Thursday.
What if I am gone for a week? You will have access to the workouts and can follow along from afar! If you are gone for more than a week we can send you the online version as well that can be done with limited equipment (insert hotel gym!).
What if I have an injury? We have a ton of experience modifying around injuries. All movements can be modified to your ability and we can work around most injuries. We also advise to make sure your doctor or physical therapist clears you for working out.
Is there a low impact version? If you need a low impact version we can happily scale and modify the workouts to accommodate that.
Follow the 6-week Ski & Snowboard pre-season dryland training program from ANYWHERE with this Ebook version!
For those of you who completed our original Ski Fit program (published last year in 2021) we have created a new version for 2022 with new exercises and some new workouts!
Here are the details:
Who are these Ebooks for? Anyone who wants to get in shape for ski season and would like to workout at home or from afar! If you have already completed the orginal Ski Fit Ebook, we would recommend purchasing the new Ski Fit V2 Ebook!
How much? $49...if you pre-order by October 10th you can save 20%!
What do you get?
At home ebook version of our 6-week ski & snowboard fitness program
18 training sessions, 3 sessions a week for 6 weeks
Every session contains a warm-up, strength element, conditioning element, and a cooldown
Detailed workout descriptions
Demonstration videos linked to every exercise​​
Equipment list:
Dumbbells and/or kettlebells. The greater the selection of weights the better, however, the entire program can be done with a limited selection. If you don't have weights you can also get creative and use household objects as weights. Examples could be laundry soap, bag of books, rocks, bottles of wine, etc...Trust me we have seen some creative weighted objects!!
A box, bench, chair, table...something study you can perform step-ups on.
A good attitude and proficiency in the annual "snow dance."